Fish Screen Install – Fall 2024
The Snake River Cutthroats recently installed a fish screen on Rainey Creek in Swan Valley. Rainey Creek is one of four tributaries to the South Fork of the Snake River that provide spawning areas for native cutthroat trout. The screens prevent the adult fish that migrate up the creek from getting entrained (trapped) in irrigation ditches. They also prevent young fish that are returning to the South Fork from entrainment as well. This recent ditch represents the culmination of 15+ years of effort by Trout Unlimited, an effort led by Snake River Cutthroats own Matt Woodard. Financially this screen was purchased and installed using funds from Eastside and Westside Conservation Districts, an Embrace a Stream grant from Trout Unlimited and monies from Snake River Cutthroats. The Cutthroats raise money each year at the East Idaho Fly Tying Expo to fund conservation projects designed to protect, restore and enhance coldwater fisheries.