Trout Unlimited Chapter - 163
Trout Unlimited Chapter & Federation of Flyfishers International Chapter
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Event: Daniels Reservoir Outing


The Snake River Cutthroats will be headed to Daniels Reservoir on Saturday Sept. 29, 2018. Daniels is known for its “rainbows with shoulders”. The reservoir is managed for trophy fishing. Artificial barbless baits only and only 2 trout over 20” can be kept. Boats, pontoon boats or float tubes are needed to fish it. Most fall fishing is either with midges under an indicator or leech patterns fished with deep sinking lines.

We’ll be meeting south of Idaho Falls at the Luv’s truck stop (Exit 113 off I-15) parking lot at 7:00 am on Saturday morning. There will be lunch with soft drinks provided. We will be going via Hawkins Reservoir so some good dirt roads will be encountered. I need to get a head count so send me an email at [email protected] if you will be attending. Hope to see you all there.

Arn Berglund

208 569 2243