The Snake River Cutthroats and our friends can add to the funding for our Embrace a Stream grant. If we raise $500 that amount will be matched dollar-for-dollar by Trout Unlimited and we could win…continue reading
Recently the Snake River Cutthroats announced the Eastern Idaho Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Expo (EIFTE). The date is March 24th-25th, 2023. The location is the new Mountain America Events Center, 1690 Events Center Drive,…continue reading
Location: South Fork of the Snake River, Idaho. Dates: May 13th & 14th, 2022 Registration starting at 7 am, at Sleepy J Cabins in Swan Valley, May 13th. Entry Fee: $100 per team, up to…continue reading
Upcoming service opportunity - Forest Service has asked for some help with the completion of the fence our club helped with last spring along Rainey Creek. The date has been set for Tuesday, April 26th.…continue reading
On Saturday Feb. 26 a small but hearty group of the club headed out on the hard water of Ririe Reservoir for the second Cutthroats Cold Kokanee Catch. We headed out complete with ice rods,…continue reading
Big congratulations goes out to Lane Mortensen who won the $250 gift certificate to Jimmy's All Seasons Anglers. Congrats also goes to Jenni Roberson who won the Airflow fly line.continue reading