Category: Around The Region
Lower Snake River Salmon and Steelhead Conservation Presentation
ATTENTION: Location and Date Have Changed. Check the Upcoming Events Calendarcontinue readingEAST IDAHO FLYTYING AND FLYFISHING EXPO
Click on the link at the top the home page. Banquet tickets and package are available at Jimmy's All Season Angler.continue reading2019 East Idaho Fly Tying and Flyfishing EXPO
Check out the 2019 EXPO website for the latest information including Workshops, Fly Tyers, Banquet Packages, etc. Our Featured Guest is Charlie Craven. He will be teaching workshops and tying during the EXPO.continue readingNovember General Membership meeting overview
The Snake River Cutthroats’ November meeting took place on Wednesday the 7th at the Shilo Inn with thirty five people present for the general business meeting as well as for the presentation by Robert Van…continue readingSwan Valley Bridge Highway 26 Cleanup

SRC membership meeting
October 10, 2018 6:30 pm at the Shilo Inn, Temple / Riverview roomcontinue readingAnnual Fly Casting Clinic

2018 Conservation Project (Leadore, Idaho)